I have blogged about America’s need for a make-over, both nationally and internationally, in the past. It was made oh so evident this past week with Senator Barack Obama’s reception overseas. When I saw the senator nail that three-point shot, I saw that as a metaphor for the whole trip.
Critics claimed the senator’s tour as presumptuous. I am hard pressed to understand the criticism because he simply did the same thing as his Republican rival, yet with more panache. Let’s face it; a presidential campaign is a beauty contest: the contestants are judged on their ability to answer, wisely, pressing questions of the day. They must be agile while showing strength when needed; socially adept in wooing contentious personalities to their side. They must be elegant and comport themselves presidential.
Unfortunately, not everyone was blessed with people skills, intelligence and charisma as Senator Obama. This man is the one the world needs in order to begin setting this country back on track and to regain, at least, some of the respect it has lost.
Senator McCain could never have pulled-off what Senator Obama just did. To be candid, no matter how well the junior senator from Illinois did, it may never be good enough to some who would rather see the future traumatized further by the same old narrow thinking that puts us at peril, than to give the gift that was given to us a chance.
Critics claimed the senator’s tour as presumptuous. I am hard pressed to understand the criticism because he simply did the same thing as his Republican rival, yet with more panache. Let’s face it; a presidential campaign is a beauty contest: the contestants are judged on their ability to answer, wisely, pressing questions of the day. They must be agile while showing strength when needed; socially adept in wooing contentious personalities to their side. They must be elegant and comport themselves presidential.
Unfortunately, not everyone was blessed with people skills, intelligence and charisma as Senator Obama. This man is the one the world needs in order to begin setting this country back on track and to regain, at least, some of the respect it has lost.
Senator McCain could never have pulled-off what Senator Obama just did. To be candid, no matter how well the junior senator from Illinois did, it may never be good enough to some who would rather see the future traumatized further by the same old narrow thinking that puts us at peril, than to give the gift that was given to us a chance.